We're gonna build an island and grow palmtrees
Lorette Moreau

A production in the archipelago of projects developed by L'amicale
Coproduction : Théâtre de la Vie
Support and residencies : la Maison Folie (Manège.Mons), la Fabrique de Théâtre, le Centre des Arts Scéniques, le Festival Courants d'air, le Théâtre Marni, Effervescences (Clermont-Ferrand), le Théâtre de Poche (Hédé-Bazouges), le Bamp / Festival Lookin'out and BOCAL.
Complicity : Patrick Corillon, Dominique Roodthooft and Antoinette Brouyaux
With the support of Fédération Wallonie-Bruxelles / Service du Théâtre, COCOF & SACD
A and B welcome spectators on a desert island with the aim of providing them with a harmonious life. Survival of the species is at stake, collapse (ecological, economical, social…) is ongoing. Through a fiction oscillating between a summer camp and a science-for-kid show, the newcomers are invited to use the tools of a better “living together” and a collective management of natural resources. But A and B disagree over what motivates them to save humanity and dissent progressively grows. And everything does collapse : the conflict between the two protagonists provokes a tsunami which floods the island, eradicating everyone on it. Sole survivors on this devastated atoll, a wild child and a strange monster named Entropy are going to learn to live together. They will rename the world, redefine it, in order to avoid the same fate as their predecessors.
Explorers : Axel Cornil and Lorette Moreau
Winds & Tides : Lorette Moreau
Gravity : Axel Cornil
Summer breeze: Ines Isimbi
Fauna : Consolate Sipérius and Renaud Van Camp
Flora : Floriane Jan
Sundial : Isabelle Sidaine
Sunlight : Laurence Magnée
Clamour & whisperings : Anne Lepère
Entropic eruption : Charlotte Lippinois
Treasure map : Rose Alenne